Child Molestation Defense Lawyer in Las Vegas NV


Few criminal acts can have such a lasting impact as being charged with sex crimes ― especially those involving children. If you’re found guilty of child molestation, you could face life in prison and other steep penalties. You may have to register as a sex offender. And if you’ve been falsely accused of sex offenses with a minor, you may live with the social stigma for years to come.  With so much on the line, you need legal help ― and you need it now.

Talk to an experienced child molestation defense attorney at Adras & Altig today. Our sex crime defense lawyers know what’s at stake and will work to uphold your rights and protect your freedom.

Call or contact us today for a free initial consultation with a child sexual abuse attorney in Las Vegas.

What Is Considered Sexual Assault Against a Minor in Nevada?

According to Section 200.366 of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS), a person is guilty of sexual assault if they sexually penetrate another person or force a person to penetrate themselves or someone else sexually. This also applies to sexual acts against someone who is physically or mentally incapable of resisting or understanding what’s happening to them.

When it comes to minors, the law further states that anyone who sexually penetrates a child under age 14 or causes them to penetrate themselves or another person sexually is guilty of sexual assault. Even if a child under 14 allegedly consented to the act, it is still considered sexual assault.

There’s also a separate law against certain sexual acts involving children. Per NRS 200.364 and NRS 200.368, an individual 18 years or older may be charged with statutory sexual seduction (statutory rape) if they have sex with a 14-or 15-year-old unless the adult is less than four years older than the victim. In Nevada, the age of consent is 16.

In addition, school employees over age 20 can be charged with statutory sexual seduction if they have sex with a student.

Nevada Laws Regarding Child Molestation

There are two additional laws regarding sexual acts involving children in Nevada. The first is NRS 201.230, which defines lewdness with a child as any “lewd or lascivious act” other than acts constituting sexual assault on a child younger than 16. The particular penalties involved for lewdness with a child depend on the relative ages of both the child and the perpetrator. There are separately defined penalties for:

  • Adults 18 years or older and children under age 16
  • Adults 18 years or older and children under age 14
  • Older children under age 18 and children under age 14

The other Nevada law concerning sexual acts with children is NRS 200.508 , which addresses child abuse. This broad law prohibits “sexual abuse or exploitation” of children under age 18 and applies to any sexual acts involving minors not covered by other statutes.

Penalties For Child Molestation in Las Vegas, NV

Our society condemns child molestation and similar sexual acts, so the penalties for being found guilty of these crimes are correspondingly severe.

The penalties for various child sex crimes in Nevada include:

  • Sexual assault of a child under age 14 – Convicted offenders face a life sentence in prison, possibly without the chance of parole. If granted the possibility of parole, they will still have to serve a minimum of 35 years. They must also register as sex offenders.
  • Statutory sexual seduction – If the adult is under age 21, statutory sexual seduction is a gross misdemeanor in Nevada. If the adult is over age 21, the penalties are steeper, including up to 10 years in prison and $10,000 in fines.
  • Lewdness with a child under 16 – If someone is found guilty of lewdness with a child under 14, they may face a life prison sentence with the possibility for parole after a minimum of 10 years served, along with $10,000 in fines. People found guilty of lewdness with a child aged 14 or 15 in Nevada face between one and 10 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines. Minors under 18 who commit lewd acts with children under age 16 will be charged with a delinquent act instead of a felony and face less severe penalties.
  • Child sexual abuse or exploitation – You could potentially face a life prison sentence for being found guilty of child sex abuse. However, you may be eligible for parole after a minimum of 15 years served.

What Are My Options If I Was Accused of Child Molestation?

Take any accusation of child molestation seriously. Request to speak with a child sexual abuse defense lawyer before making any statements to investigators. Your defense attorney will:

  • Examine the allegations against you to determine their credibility.
  • Identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s case.
  • Work to suppress unlawfully obtained evidence.
  • Negotiate for a plea deal involving a lesser charge.

If your case goes to trial, you’ll want a seasoned defense team behind you to guide you through the process and make an impassioned argument for your innocence. At Adras & Altig, we firmly believe a client is innocent until proven guilty. You can count on us to fight for the justice system to treat you fairly.

What Are the Penalties When a Child Molester Doesn’t Register in Nevada?

Convicted sex offenders who fail to register with the Nevada Sex Offender Registry face penalties under NRS 17D.550. Offenders are also subject to penalties if they:

  • Fail to register with a local law enforcement agency
  • Fail to inform law enforcement of a change of name, address, employment, or student status
  • Provide false or misleading information to the Central Repository or local law enforcement agency.

In those cases, the offender is guilty of a Category D felony and subject to penalties including probation, one to four years in prison, and up to $5,000 in fines.

Contact a Las Vegas Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer

At Adras & Altig, we know what’s at stake for people accused of child sex crimes. Our extensive experience handling these kinds of cases has given us detailed knowledge we can use to defend your case and protect your liberty. Call or contact us today for a free initial consultation.

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At Adras & Altig, we believe that every client we work with deserves a fresh start. Our dedicated Las Vegas criminal defense attorneys take the time to get to know you so we can understand the circumstances surrounding your arrest.