Nevada Laws for Concealed Carry in a Casino

Nevada Laws for Concealed Carry in a Casino

In general, Nevada is a gun-friendly state that doesn’t have laws prohibiting open carry for anyone legally allowed to have a firearm. Furthermore, Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 202.3653 allows concealed carry for those with a valid permit.

But what do the laws say about concealed carry in casinos? Whether you’re a Nevada resident or visiting from out of state, as a gun owner, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the law before bringing a firearm into a Las Vegas business.

Is Conceal Carry Legal in Las Vegas Casinos?

Can you concealed carry in Las Vegas casinos? Yes and no. Even if there are signs prohibiting firearms, concealed carry is still legal in casinos according to Nevada’s concealed carry laws. NRS 202.3673 only prohibits concealed carry within certain public buildings, including:

  • Airports
  • Schools
  • Child care facilities
  • Property of the Nevada System of Higher Education

However, if a casino (or any other private business) finds out you have concealed weapons, its management can ask you to leave. They have the right to refuse service for many different reasons or even no reason at all. You may face trespassing on private property charges if you don’t comply with this request.

Can Casinos Search Me for Guns?

A casino cannot force you to undergo a search for guns. However, you may need to undergo some type of search before a casino allows you to enter its premises. For example, you may have to go through a metal detector or agree to let security search you. Also, many modern casinos now use artificial intelligence to spot those who are carrying concealed firearms.

You are allowed to refuse these types of searches. But if you do, the casino’s security will likely bar you from entry, and the management will ask you to leave. So, if you plan on enjoying the amenities of a Las Vegas casino, it’s best to leave your gun behind. The alternative is typically getting turned away at the door.

Is Nevada a Constitutional Carry State?

Nevada is not a constitutional carry state. In constitutional carry states, citizens can either open or concealed carry firearms without a permit. While you do not need a permit to open carry in Nevada, you do need a concealed carry permit to carry concealed.

NRS 202.3667 states that anyone with a concealed firearm must have a valid permit and identification, regardless of whether the weapon is loaded. If a law enforcement officer requests to see your permit and identification, you must provide them. You will receive a $25 fine for each violation if you have a concealed firearm permit but do not carry it on you. You could face much steeper penalties if you carry a concealed weapon without a permit to do so.

Need a Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer? Call Adras & Altig Now!

Have you been charged with a weapons crime in Nevada? Did a casino have the police arrest you for trespassing? Contact Adras & Altig, Attorneys at Law, for a free consultation about your case. Our criminal defense attorneys will explain your legal options and seek the best possible outcome.

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