Domestic violence is a broad term we often hear in descriptions of fights between spouses and other family members. But when Las Vegas police make an arrest after a fight or another incident involving family members in Nevada, the individual … Continue reading
Being arrested doesn’t mean you are guilty or that you will go to jail. As criminal defense attorneys in Las Vegas, we continually remind clients that there are alternative sentences available to help many of them avoid jail time, especially … Continue reading
The attorneys at Adras & Altig understand that domestic situations can get complicated and that some people are wrongly charged with domestic battery as a result. If you have been charged with domestic battery in Las Vegas, you need an experienced … Continue reading
Pay Your Casino Markers or Expect to Go to Jail Don’t think for a minute that you can run out on a Las Vegas casino marker. The casino will come after you. You could face time in prison and thousands … Continue reading
New research indicates that Nevada’s drugged driving laws may penalize drivers for marijuana use that does not have an adverse effect on driving ability. The study from the University of British Columbia (UBC) suggests that THC levels less than 5 nanograms/ml … Continue reading
Could the legalization of marijuana in Nevada and some other states be altering the perception about what constitutes driving while illegally impaired? The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says millions of Americans are driving after smoking marijuana and nearly 70 … Continue reading
The Las Vegas criminal defense attorneys at Adras & Altig focus on getting the best results possible for clients charged with criminal offenses in Nevada. Adras & Altig, Attorneys at Law has successfully defended individuals charged with major drug conspiracies … Continue reading
The epidemic of opioid abuse has touched many lives in Nevada. The possession of an opioid without a valid prescription or the use of a fraudulent prescription to obtain opioids is a criminal offense in Nevada. Opioids are highly addictive. … Continue reading
If Las Vegas police come to your home on a domestic violence complaint, it is likely that someone is going to jail and facing a costly and time-consuming experience. There are two sides to every story, and police responding to … Continue reading
Does Nevada put too many people in prison? That’s the shorthand question behind a debate begun this month by lawmakers in the Nevada Assembly over legislation that would overhaul Nevada’s criminal justice system if it becomes law. Supporters of the … Continue reading